ECO FIT - Enhance digestibility, fast growth

Ingredient Each 1 kg contains:
Lactobacillus spp (min)..............2x1012CFU
Saccharomyces spp (min)…......8x1011CFU
Bacillus subtilis (min).................8x1011CFU
Amylase (min)...............................25.000 IU
Protease (min)............................120.000 IU
Phytase (min)................................57.000 IU
Lipase (min)................................110.000 IU
Cellulase (min)..............................69.000 IU
Excipient q.s...........................................1kg
Point - Enhance digestibility, reduce feed consumption rate (FCR).
- Help shrimp and fish healthy, fast growth.
- Prevention of intestinal diseases, especially white feces disease.
- Reducethe amount of waste produced, contributing to clean up the environment.

Use 1kg/ 1 ton of feed/day, feed regularly.

In case of anorexic shrimp and fish, the dose should be doubled.

*Withdrawal time: 0 days before harvest.

Preservation Store in cool and dry place. Advoid direct sunlight.