ECO CHLORAMINE B - Water treatment, disinfection, sterilization.

Ingredient -Each 1g contains:

Chloramine B and Excipients just enough.
Point - Kill viruses, bacteria, Mycoplasma, mold, and gill fungus.

- Disinfect and sterilize barns, tools, warehouses, factories, warehouses, workshops, hospitals, and means of transport.

- Disinfect water sources, disinfect lakes, fish ponds, and drinking water.
Dosage - Disinfecting and preventing epidemics 0.5%-1%: 5-10 grams/1 liter of water.

- Disinfecting in epidemic areas 1-3%: 10-30 grams/1 liter of water.

- Periodic disinfection and sterilization: Mix at a concentration of 0.3-0.5%, spray on the surface about 250 liters/1000m2

- Disinfecting water sources, drinking water: 3-5 grams/1m3 of water.

*Note: Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to mix because of incompatibility. Keep out of reach of children.
Preservation Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.