ECO - TYLODOX - Specific treatment of CRD and asthma transplantation CCRD, porcine asthma.


Contains per 1g:

Tylosin Tartrate.............................100mg.

Doxycyline HCL............................200mg.

The excipients are just enough .......... 1g.

Point - Chickens, ducks, quails, geese: Special treatment of CRD, CRD grafted with E.coli, pasteurellosis, pneumonia, Mycoplasma arthritis (MS), diarrhea and other respiratory infections.

- Pigs, calves, goats, sheep: Special treatment of pneumonia - pleura (APP), pasteurellosis, streptococcus and other respiratory diseases.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to Doxycyline or Tylosine.

Store in a dry and cool place. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Specification: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg.