GUMBO-S - Improve resistance, prevent Gumboro disease in Poultry

Point - Increase resistance to help chickens overcome Gumboro disease, recover quickly, reduce mortality
- Supplement before and after vaccination with vaccines such as: Newcastle, Gumboro ....will help the animal to increase the immune system, form antibodies quickly and lastingly.
- Stabilize gut microbiota
- Nutritious, improve resistance.

Dosage - Mix with water: 1 g / 1 lit of water
- Mix with feed: 1 kg/ 500 kg of mixed feed.
Double dose is recommended if severe Gumboro disease occurs in the whole herd

Preservation - Do not use for animals that sensitive to the ingredients of the drug
- Store in cool and dry place, away from direct light
- 2 years from the date of manufacture.