ECO SHRIMP C - Vitamin C supplement, anti-stress, enhance resistance of shrimp and fish.


Each gram contains:

Vitamin C……………………...100mg
Spirulina ………………………..50mg
Excipient q.s.....…………………….1g


Sollution for stressed shrimp, floating head, gregarious.

Increase resistance, help shrimp grow quickly, prevent stress for shrimp and fish when the weather changes, transportation and environmental fluctuations.


Mix with food or mix the product with enough water and then spread it all over the pond:
Mix 3-5g / 1kg of feed, use throughout the farming process, when the shrimp is sick, the dose can be doubled.
Prevention: 0.2kg/ 1000m3
When raising floating shrimp: 0.3 -0.5kg/1000m3

*Withdrawal time: 0 day

Preservation Store in cool and dry place. Advoid direct sunlight.