ECO FAST - Supplement intestinal microorganism, improve digestion

Ingredient Phytase (min):................................64.000 IU
Lipase (min):................................122.000 IU
Cellulase (min):..............................76.000 IU
Excipient q.s:...........................................1kg
Point Decompose excess nitrogen in the pond environment.

Prevent intestinal diseases, improve digestion, reduce food consumption rate (FCR).

Stimulate appetite, help pets to be healthy, grow fast.

Supplement useful microorganisms to create a natural food source in the pond, inhibiting pathogenic bacteria.
Dosage Prevention of intestinal diseases helps good digestion:

Mix 1kg Eco Fast/1 ton of feed, feed regularly throughout the farming process.

Supplement useful microorganisms, improve the farming environment and inhibit harmful microorganisms.

Use 1kg Eco Fast for 3,000 - 5,000m3 of water.
Preservation Store in cool and dry place. Advoid direct sunlight.