ECO AMPICOLI FORT - Special treatment for green feces, white feces, pasteurellosis

Point Chickens, swans, ducks, quail: Special treatment of diarrhea with green feces, white feces caused by E.coli, typhoid caused by Salmonella and pasteurellosis caused by Pasterella.

Swine, buffalo, cow, goat, sheep: Special treatment for diarrhea, white feces, yellow viscous feces.
Dosage Mix with food or orally administer

- Poultry: Use 1g/1 liter of water or 8-10kg body weight.

- Cattle: Use 1g/ 1 liter of water or 8-10 kg body weight.

Use continuously for 3 days

- Prevention: use ½ of the above treatment dose.

*Withdrawal time:

- For meat: 10 days

- Do not use for commercial egg laying hens.
Preservation - Cool and dry place

- Avoid direct sunlight

- Expiry date: 24 months.