ECO AMMONIUM PLUS - Disinfection of barns, livestock tools to disinfect skin and wounds.

Ingredient Alkyl-dimethyl-benzyl-ammonium chloride............................200mg

- Antiseptic with fast, strong, long-lasting, broad-spectrum activity, killing most pathogens in the breeding environment, killing Gram (+) as well as Gram (-), fungi , spores, viruses and some protozoa.

- Minimizing bacterial infections in livestock, reducing diseases, veterinary drug fee, safe and non-toxic to animals.

- Prevention of some groups of viral diseases such as FMD, PRRS,...

Dosage - Dilute 1ml / 1 liter of water

- Dilute 0.1-0.5 ml / 1 liter of water, used in drinking water and disease prevention

- Dilute disinfectant for water treatment: 2.5ml/ 1 liter of water sprayed on walls, ceilings, floors, livestock tools.
Preservation - Store in a cool, dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

- Use only when the packaging is intact.

- 24 months from the date of manufacture.