ECO - ORIBIOTIC - Special treatment of kite mushrooms, visceral mushrooms, lung fungi on cattle and poultry.


Contains per 1g:

Nystatin.......................................100.000 IU.

Neomycin Sulfate............................3.500 IU.

The excipients are enough.......................1g.

Point Specifically treat fungal diseases such as:

- On chickens and quails: Pulmonary fungal disease, bird fungus, fungal diseases in the mouth, Histomonas melearidis are removed from the lesions in the liver, intestines on chickens and quails. The symptoms of cough and wheezing treated with antibiotics do not go away. 

- On ducks for the treatment of kite fungus, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract fungus.

- Treatment of seizures in ducks when treatment with antibiotics does not go away.

- Treatment of acute pneumonia in pigs, buffaloes, cows, calves, goats, sheep due to fungi and mold in feed.

Store in a dry and cool place. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Specification: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg.